1. How Old Are you
- 21
2. Will you use vent? Raids/pvp/seiges are mandatory for vent. But other then that we want you on vent to socialize with our crew, get to know us and us get to know you.
- i guess i will be able to join vent in near future after receiving my new headset
3. What retail servers and private servers have you played on? What names did you use on your mains on those servers?
- all in all i played on a lot of servers also on teon some months ago
4. Where are you from?
- germany
5. How good is your english, spoken, hearing it, and writing it?
- i think its pretty good so i will be able to communicate with everyone
6. Why do you want to join empires to begin with?
- i think empires is more active then others even the big clans that are getting bored here are losing more and more activity. i think empires will rise more and more and they have potential to fight for the top
7. Do you know anyone in empires? How do you Know them and How long have you known them?
- no sry at least i dont think i know anyone of u.
8. How do you feel about going red? How do you feel about pvp in general?
- i dont have a problem going red if the situation requires it. Sineater is a must.
9. If you join a clan with many clan wars, is that a problem?
- no im used to have war vs the whole server from several clans
10. WHat clans/ALlys have you been in?
- i can tell u that i played in the major clans on nanaki allready but i'd prefer to keep it as a secret cuz i dont want to destroy my new start here
11. What Gear do you have for A/S grade?
- i have pretty much everything i need from a to s except epics. including draconic bow draconic set maj set soulbow as etc
12. Tell us about your char, is it noblessed? subbed? WHat LVL is it, what class are you and list any subs, Do you have any alts and is it in any other clan/ally?
- its a pretty much fresh PR around lvl 70 not yet subbed or noblesse i deleted my further main chars so no more alts except my warehouse dwarf
13. How big is your cock? and Is sex with your ally mates out of the question? Gay sex?
- does the size matter QQ? im open for everything