1. How Old Are you >>>19
2. Will you use vent? Raids/pvp/seiges are mandatory for vent. But other then that we want you on vent to socialize with our crew, get to know us and us get to know you.>>> yes
3. What retail servers and private servers have you played on? What names did you use on your mains on those servers? >>> server low rate played only l2enraged and paradise, and nick demonfile, played aerith since started(16/02/07) have 1,5 months iam here in nanaki only, so dont know lots of ppl
4. Where are you from?Brasil
5. How good is your english, spoken, hearing it, and writing it?not good my english, i understand when talk whit me, only bad to speack for yours
6. Why do you want to join empires to begin with?>>>want friends/active clan/organized/lots of activite to do/sieges/epics/pvp/pve
7. Do you know anyone in empires? How do you Know them and How long have you known them?>>>Ad0k...1months+-
8. How do you feel about going red? How do you feel about pvp in general?>>>i dont care for red, if need i do it, and when i dont like any ppl or clan or ally, i like red name xD
9. If you join a clan with many clan wars, is that a problem? >>>i want it xD lots of war, if possible full list
10. WHat clans/ALlys have you been in?in nanaki i started in whitenoises, after it WN merged whit avatars, i dont know bulgarias language and polish, and one time i asked in clan why dont talk wnglish, and one memebr answer me, if you dont like that language leave clan, why its clan polish, so /leave clan, i think is needed talk english in sieges/epics for all know not only some1
12. Tell us about your char, is it noblessed? subbed? WHat LVL is it, what class are you and list any subs, Do you have any alts and is it in any other clan/ally?>>> nobless/main sd77 almost 78/sub titan76/and pr 69/i want make a 3th sub wc/cardi or one mage for epics, i think is needed for anthy/vala/baium and sieges. i have only my main char, and one dorf 58
13. How big is your cock? and Is sex with your ally mates out of the question? Gay sex?
>>> is not big, only 22.I don't care if someone is gay or not, each has its decision of life xD