1. How Old Are you212. Will you use vent? Raids/pvp/seiges are mandatory for vent. But other then that we want you on vent to socialize with our crew, get to know us and us get to know you.
Yeah i use vent3. What retail servers and private servers have you played on? What names did you use on your mains on those servers?
barts,2 years ago, name Crackjunky4. Where are you from?
Netherlands.5. How good is your english, spoken, hearing it, and writing it?
Its ok i think 6. Why do you want to join empires to begin with?
few friends ar in it, and i wanna siege pvp 7. Do you know anyone in empires?
Yeah. Mutzi gibjab supra jackster, etc8. How do you feel about going red? How do you feel about pvp in general?
almost 2 k pvp points;)9. If you join a clan with many clan wars, is that a problem?
I always pvp.10. WHat clans/ALlys have you been in? NBA, Rennegade. I had my own clan for a while.
11. Tell us about your char, is it noblessed? subbed? Do you have any alts and is it in any other clan/ally?yeah its noblessed. i got alot of alts, clan less.
got an sws 78
bd 78
ee 78
bishop 78, ol 78, doom cryer 78, sr 78, pr 78, catbuffer 78